Four members of Apink have changed agencies after 12 years!

members of apink   members of apink Category:Members of Apink. Good pictures. Advanced All images; Featured pictures; Featured videos; Quality images; Valued images; In this

members of treasure 13 Apink Profile: Chorong Picture, Official Information, Song Writing Credits, Filmography, Other Information, Bomi Picture, Official Information, Song Writing Kami baru-baru ini memperbarui kontrak kami dengan Park Chorong, Yoon Bomi, Jung Eun Ji, Kim Namjoo, dan Oh Hayoung dari Apink. Lima anggota

members of newjeans 1. Eunji · Nama panggung: Eunji · Nama lahir: Jung Hye Rim · Tanggal lahir: 18 Agustus 1993 · Posisi dalam grup: Main vocalist dan face of the Apink currently consists of five members: Chorong, Bomi, Eunji, Namjoo, and Hayoung. Originally a septet, Yookyung left in 2013 due to educational pursuits.

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